Google to step up mobile advertising push

Google took time out on Thursday to give itself a pat on the back for the headway it has made in breaking out of its core search market – and then promised to step up its efforts to capitalise on new advertising markets that are opening up on the internet.The search group finally responded to repeated calls from Wall Street to reveal how some of its newer businesses, such as mobile and display advertising, are doing. But it also said that this was a one-off disclosure that would not be repeated.Eric Schmidt, chief executive, pointed to the $1bn in annualised revenue that the company is now making from mobile advertising as evidence that its investment in the Android operating system had been a success. “On that basis alone, Android is wildly successful,” he said.In another sign that its focus is shifting further on to mobile access to the internet, Google earlier this week appointed Marissa Mayer, formerly the executive in charge of its core search products, to a new job overseeing local and location-based services. As mobile access has taken off, many more internet users are relying on these types of services.

Google executives pointed to the evidence of the early headway they were making in mobile, display and YouTube advertising as they promised to continue to focus on long-term opportunities.“We’re thinking about the next five-10 years,” said Patrick Pichette, chief financial officer. “We’re on this growth agenda at full throttle.”

Even in the short term, Google is showing signs of bouncing back more rapidly from the recession than Wall Street had expected.

The Average Teenager Sends 3,339 Texts Per Month [STATS]

If you needed more proof that texting is on the rise, here’s a stat for you: the average teenager sends over 3,000 texts per month. That’s more than six texts per waking hour.According to a new study from Nielsen, our society has gone mad with texting, data usage and app downloads. Nielsen analyzed the mobile data habits of over 60,000 mobile subscribers and surveyed over 3,000 teens during April, May and June of this year. The numbers they came up with are astounding.

The number of texts being sent is on the rise, especially among teenagers age 13 to 17. According to Nielsen, the average teenager now sends 3,339 texts per month. There’s more, though: teen females send an incredible 4,050 text per month, while teen males send an average of 2,539 texts. Teens are sending 8% more texts than they were this time last year.

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