5 tips to protect yourself on Facebook

original Link http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9180642/5_tips_to_protect_yourself_on_Facebook?taxonomyId=84&pageNumber=2 After news hit this week that Facebook developers are furiously trying to fix a bug that lets spammers harvest users' names and photos, the issue of online safety…

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Google Geolocation API , Where you live?

Api Guide is available on http://code.google.com/intl/fr-FR/apis/gears/geolocation_network_protocol.htmlCheck out the below example:Thanks to pterjan's diary (http://fasmz.org/~pterjan/blog/?date=20100813#p01)$ curl -X POST -d '{  "version": "1.1.0",  "host": "perdu.com",  "request_address": true,  "address_language": "en_GB",  "wifi_towers": [    {      "mac_address": "56:7a:e8:68:15:4B"    }  ]}' http://www.google.com/loc/json{"location":{"latitude":48.868646,"longitude":2.355392,"address":{"country":"France","country_code":"FR","region":"Ile-de-France","county":"Paris","city":"Paris","street":"Rue…

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