Google’s Chrome OS may launch on November 11

Google’s most anticipated software project of the year, is on the verge of finally launching. TechCrunch uncovered the fact that the browser-based OS has already hit Release Candidate stage, which is the step that comes right before a full-blown release. Most likely, Google’s engineers are now hard at work squashing bugs and getting ready for Chrome OS 1.0. Further evidence of this lies in a thread over at Google Code where a Google employee referenced ‘November 11’ a couple of times in reply to new feature requests. As in, Google would only consider adding new features after November 11. And that certainly makes sense, since usually while you prep a software project for release, you freeze any new feature additions and focus on ironing out the last kinks.So it seems plausible that Google will release Chrome OS on November 11, or at least code-freeze it then and maybe wait until November 19 to unleash it – that’s the one year anniversary of the event where they first showed it. Either way, they will be able to make that initially promised ‘in time for the holiday season 2010’ target after all. And Chrome OS-powered netbooks (or even tablets) could be on your lap very soon.

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