Sony Ericsson LiveView – Wireless Micro Display for your Android Phone

Sony Ericsson has announced a cool new accessory for Android phones called the LiveView which is a wireless micro display for your phone or in other words a custom remote control. The device connects to your phone via Bluetooth and displays information on it’s 1.3 inch color OLED display. You can also control your music player on the phone and mute the ringer using the device.It is compatible with Sony Eriscsson’s XPERIA X10 range  and the HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S, yes the last two devices are mentioned on SE’s site.It can display incoming messages ,  phone number for calls , facebook updates , twitter updates, rss feeds.It does remind us of the new iPod nano but sadly this accessory is not a touchscreen device but has buttons for it’s operation. It charges via microUSB and it comes with a clip and wristband in the sales pack.rice is not revealed but if its sensibly priced , we are going to grab one for sure !

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