Hewlett-Packard Said to Be Near Decision on Hurd’s Successor

The short list includes Vyomesh Joshi, who runs HP’s printer business; Todd Bradley, head of the personal-computer division; Dave Donatelli, who runs the storage and server unit; Tom Hogan, executive vice president of enterprise sales and marketing; and Ann Livermore, executive vice president of the enterprise business, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the talks are private and a choice hasn’t been made.

Directors of HP, the world’s largest computer maker, met this week to weigh possible successors to Hurd, who left Aug. 6 after an investigation found he violated business-conduct standards. While it hasn’t ruled out hiring from outside, HP may not be inclined to recruit from a rival, the person said. Hurd was hired from NCR Corp. and his predecessor, Carly Fiorina, came from Lucent Technologies Inc. and departed after the company’s market value slid on her watch.

A decision on the new CEO could be announced in the coming week, the person said.Hiring from within would also help HP avoid a legal tussle over agreements that bar executives from switching employers. Top managers at International Business Machines Corp., for example, are required to sign agreements that prohibit such moves. IBM’s Steve Mills, who has experience in hardware and software, had been named by analysts as a potential candidate.

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