Google promises faster browsing with Chrome 6 release | News | PC Pro

Google promises faster browsing with Chrome 6 release | News | PC Pro: “Google has updated its browser to Chrome 6, touting improvements in performance, enhancements to security and a stripped-down user interface.

According to Google, the Chrome update makes the browser faster in JavaScript performance, with the company claiming that Chrome is now three times faster than when the browser launched two years ago.

Other changes are more cosmetic, concentrating on the look and feel of the browser. Google said the more streamlined approach should make browsing easier.

“We took the already minimalist user interface and stripped it down a bit more to make it easier to use,” said Chrome product manager Brian Rakowski, in a blog post. ‘We combined Chrome’s two menus into one, revisited the location of the buttons, cleaned up the treatment of the URL, and adjusted the colour scheme of the browser to be easier on the eyes.”

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