Hotmail Supports Exchange ActiveSync Push Technology

On August 30, Microsoft flipped a switch allowing Hotmail users to use Exchange ActiveSync to synchronize their smartphones with Hotmail’s email, contacts, calendar and tasks. Hotmail now matches, and exceeds what Google Sync offers.
Google added Exchange ActiveSync support over a year ago in their Google Sync service, but it initially only supported contacts and appointments. You had to get email through either POP3 or IMAP4 protocols. Now, depending on the device, you can also get push support for Gmail itself.
Hotmail matches all of that and adds synchronization support for tasks as well. Before you rush to configure your device though, make sure it is supported. Like Google Sync, Hotmail has limitations on platform support. Complete setup instructions are at the Windows Live Solution Center.
Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 are officially supported, though I’d wager if you were on an older 6.0 or even 5.0 you might have success in getting it connected. I actually have a 5.0 device at home in a box somewhere I may try just for kicks if I can find it. Windows Phone 7 is also on the officially supported list so if you have one of those phones on your wish list, you’ll be ready to go day one.

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